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Super Mario RPG Remake: How to Beat Bundt & Raspberry Super Mario RPG Remake

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Guide to Defeat Bundt and Raspberry in Super Mario RPG

Guide to Defeat Bundt and Raspberry in Super Mario RPG

Navigating Marrymore in Super Mario RPG

News: Setting out on the formidable journey to conquer Bundt and Raspberry in Super Mario RPG can prove to be quite a formidable task. Nonetheless, armed with a thorough guide, you can successfully navigate the Marrymore area, retrieve Princess Peach’s possessions, and emerge victorious in the battle against the formidable Bundt and Raspberry bosses. Let’s delve into a detailed, step-by-step strategy for overcoming these formidable obstacles.

The Path through Marrymore Chapel

Traversing Marrymore in Super Mario RPG can pose challenges, particularly because of its isometric view. When entering Marrymore Chapel with the mission of rescuing Princess Peach, it’s crucial to adhere to a specific route. Begin by moving southeast from the locked door, then proceed northwest until you discover the entrance concealed behind the castle wall. Upon entering the chapel, your objective will be to gather Princess Peach’s possessions. These can be found in the possession of Snifits occupying the pews, so be sure to engage in conversation with them. And don’t overlook the task of retrieving her crown from Booster!

The Bundt and Raspberry Boss Battle

Your next major hurdle is the Bundt and Raspberry Boss Battle. Before venturing to Marrymore Chapel, it’s of utmost importance to stock up on a sufficient supply of curative items. These will prove invaluable during the intense showdown ahead. When the battle kicks off, your primary focus should be on Bundt in the initial phase. Overcoming Bundt’s first form is the key to advancing to the second phase. In this phase, maintain a vigilant watch on the lit candles and ensure the elimination of all of them. This action will clear the path for your further advancement.

Mastering the Action Command

Finally, your ultimate challenge will be facing Raspberry, and the same strategy applies as before. Don’t forget to leverage the Action Command, a pivotal feature in Super Mario RPG. Becoming proficient in executing the Action Command will significantly enhance your odds of achieving victory.

By adhering to this comprehensive guide, you’ll be able to maneuver through Marrymore with relative ease, recover Princess Peach’s possessions, and triumph in the Bundt and Raspberry Boss Battle. This not only ensures a more seamless gaming experience but also progresses the Super Mario RPG storyline with Princess Peach as a valuable ally. So, prepare yourself, hone your abilities, and brace yourself for an epic adventure in the vibrant world of Super Mario RPG!


Q: How can I find Princess Peach’s belongings in Marrymore?

A: To locate Princess Peach’s belongings in Marrymore, you need to talk to the Snifits in the pews of the chapel. They will have her items.

Q: What items should I bring for the Bundt and Raspberry Boss Battle?

A: It’s crucial to have an ample supply of healing items before the battle. Make sure to stock up on potions and mushrooms to replenish your health during the intense fight.

Q: How do I use the Action Command in Super Mario RPG?

A: The Action Command is a crucial feature in Super Mario RPG. To use it, pay close attention to the on-screen prompts during battles and press the corresponding buttons at the right time to execute powerful attacks and defenses.

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