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Super Mario RPG: Optional Secret Area Falls Flat, Super Mario RPG’s Hidden Boss Explained

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Super Mario RPG’s Optional Secret Area Falls Flat: A Review

Super Mario RPG's Optional Secret Area Falls Flat: A Review

News: Super Mario RPG, a cherished remake, marks Mario’s foray into the RPG realm. Created by ArtePiazza for the Nintendo Switch and released by Nintendo, the game tracks Mario’s journey to vanquish the Smithy Gang and reconstruct Star Road by gathering its fragmented star pieces. Despite its charm, the game’s optional secret location, Grate Guy’s Casino, regrettably lacks the excitement and allure found elsewhere.

The Journey to Grate Guy’s Casino

Gaining entry to Grate Guy’s Casino involves defeating the boss in Booster Tower and engaging in a guessing game with Knife Guy to acquire an entry card. Yet, this procedure often proves tiresome due to the difficulty in locating Knife Guy and the potential need for multiple tries to secure the card. This arduous journey to access the casino sets an initial tone that leans toward disappointment.

A Lackluster Experience Inside the Casino

Upon entering the casino, players encounter a rather underwhelming experience. The establishment presents a mere trio of mini-games, a meager selection in contrast to the anticipated variety in a casino-like setting. Despite granting rewards, these mini-games fail to deliver the anticipated excitement and diversity that players typically seek in such an environment. Contrarily, areas like Midas River and Yoshi’s races within the game offer more immersive and fulfilling activities.

The Mini-Games in Grate Guy’s Casino

Within Grate Guy’s Casino, three mini-games are available: treasure chest slots, “Look the Other Way,” and a card-flipping Memory Game, each offering diverse items and rewards. For instance, mastering the “Look the Other Way” game a hundred times yields a Star Egg. Nevertheless, given the substantial effort needed to access the casino, some players may perceive the rewards as less satisfying or underwhelming in comparison.

A Disappointing Secret Area

Although Grate Guy’s Casino presents potential rewards, its restricted mini-games and unremarkable atmosphere diminish its appeal to players. While the overall game provides a captivating and immersive journey, this optional secret area falls short of meeting those established standards. Consequently, players may experience disappointment due to the significant effort required to access the casino without receiving the expected level of engagement and excitement.

An Enjoyable Gameplay Experience

Super Mario RPG provides an overall enjoyable gameplay experience, immersing players in an isometric 3D world where they partake in turn-based battles featuring characters like Mario, Bowser, Peach, Geno, and Mallow. Encountering enemies triggers battles, and the inclusion of Action Commands introduces a strategic layer to combat. Precise timing of moves fills an Action Gauge, enabling potent attacks. Furthermore, players can unleash a formidable three-person attack, known as a Triple Move, once the gauge reaches 100%.

Post-Game Features

Following the main game, players can take on more challenging versions of specific bosses by meeting certain criteria in Super Mario RPG’s post-game phase. Additionally, the game features a Monster List, akin to a Pokedex, cataloguing encountered monsters and their characteristics. An Easy Mode option exists, simplifying leveling and combat without altering the storyline, ensuring a smoother journey for players.

To summarize, Grate Guy’s Casino, an optional secret area in Super Mario RPG, disappoints due to its limited mini-games and the cumbersome process required for access. The casino lacks the anticipated excitement and variety, potentially leaving players feeling unsatisfied. Despite offering rewards, these mini-games may not sufficiently compensate for the effort required to reach the casino. While Super Mario RPG overall delivers an enjoyable gameplay experience, this particular aspect fails to make a significant impression.


1. Is Grate Guy’s Casino worth the effort?

Grate Guy’s Casino in Super Mario RPG might not be worth the effort due to its limited mini-games and lackluster experience. Players might find themselves disappointed after going through the tedious process of accessing the casino.

2. What other activities are more engaging in Super Mario RPG?

Other areas in the game, like Midas River and Yoshi’s races, offer more engaging and rewarding activities compared to Grate Guy’s Casino.

3. What post-game features does Super Mario RPG offer?

In the post-game phase, players can challenge tougher versions of select bosses and explore the Monster List, which catalogues encountered monsters and their traits. Easy Mode is also available to simplify leveling and combat.

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