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Guide to the Wedding Hall in Super Mario RPG: Finding the Crown

Post Last Updates by Ankit: Thursday, November 23, 2023 @ 6:04 PM

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

News: In the beloved Super Mario RPG game, players venture into a wedding venue where their mission is to recover Princess Peach’s crown from Booster. This undertaking holds significant importance, as it serves as a pivotal preparation for the impending boss battle that ensues shortly after this encounter.

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, launched in 1996 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), represented a unique partnership between Square and Nintendo. This game departed from the conventional Mario platforming titles, instead introducing role-playing elements akin to the renowned Final Fantasy series. Being the final Mario game developed for the SNES, it holds a cherished spot in the hearts of dedicated fans.


Super Mario RPG’s narrative centers on the Smithy Gang, a malevolent faction that unexpectedly infiltrates Mario’s world, shattering the seven star pieces of Star Road. In response, Mario and his companions embark on an epic quest to vanquish the Smithy Gang and restore tranquility to their beleaguered world.


A standout aspect of Super Mario RPG lies in its distinctive fusion of 3D exploration and turn-based combat. Players take command of Mario and his companions, traversing a three-dimensional world while engaging in battles against adversaries through a turn-based combat system. This groundbreaking gameplay approach laid the foundation for subsequent Mario RPG titles like Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi.

Popularity and Legacy

The game’s humor and stunning 3D graphics played pivotal roles in its widespread appeal among gamers. Moreover, it served as a significant source of inspiration for other Nintendo RPG series, influencing the incorporation of similar gameplay mechanics and storytelling elements. Super Mario RPG underwent a re-release on the Wii Virtual Console in 2008 and subsequently on the Wii U’s Virtual Console in 2015, ensuring its availability to a fresh generation of players. Additionally, it was included in the Super NES Classic Edition in 2017, further cementing its status as a classic in gaming history.

Peach’s Wedding

In Super Mario RPG, there exists a particular section where players are tasked with disrupting Peach’s wedding to Booster. This captivating sequence unfolds within the confines of the wedding hall, providing the backdrop for this thrilling adventure.

At the outset of the wedding, Peach’s crown is prominently placed upon Booster’s head, making it conveniently reachable by simply jumping on him at the altar. However, her other possessions, including her shoes, ring, and brooch, have been entrusted to Booster’s devoted assistants known as Sniffits. These agile creatures can be observed darting about the hall and the rows of seats. The goal is to initiate conversations with each Sniffit without inciting a conflict. Through patient interaction, players can successfully recover all of Peach’s misplaced items.

The pace at which players collect these items can influence the ensuing wedding scene, but it does not impact the core storyline. Irrespective of the wedding’s outcome, players should brace themselves for an impending boss battle. It is imperative to confirm the retrieval of all of Peach’s accessories before proceeding further.

Boss Battle

In Super Mario RPG, players embark on a mission to assist Princess Peach during her wedding ceremony with Booster. Mario, the game’s central character, must recover Peach’s lost belongings, which include her shoes, ring, brooch, and crown. Notably, the crown is perched atop Booster’s head as he stands next to Peach at the altar. To retrieve the crown, Mario must strategically leap onto Booster. Once all of Peach’s possessions have been reclaimed, a brief scene unfolds, culminating in a battle against a formidable adversary named Bundt—a sentient cake—and two of Booster’s henchmen, Torte. In this encounter, players must concentrate on attacking the cake while remaining vigilant for moments when it attempts to ignite candles. Swiftly extinguishing the candles through repeated attacks is essential to defeating the cake. Although the battle may present a formidable challenge, determination and perseverance will ultimately lead to victory.

Gameplay Mechanics

Super Mario RPG combines Square’s distinctive RPG gameplay style with the beloved Super Mario Bros. franchise. The game follows the traditional structure of Japanese Role-Playing Games (JRPGs), focusing on exploration and turn-based battles. It comprises two main elements: exploration and combat. When not in battle, players guide Mario through a 3D platforming environment with an isometric view reminiscent of classic Mario games. They can interact with various elements, such as hitting question blocks to uncover items. Unlike some RPGs, Super Mario RPG avoids surprise encounters, allowing players to spot enemies in the field and engage in combat only upon contact with Mario. Initially, players control Mario alone, but the party can expand to include up to five characters. In battles, players can switch between Mario and two other companions, each with their unique abilities and attacks. These range from Princess Toadstool’s healing skills to Geno and Bowser’s powerful offensive maneuvers. Combat follows a turn-based system, enabling players to select actions like attacking, defending, fleeing, using items, or casting magic spells. Additionally, players can employ the action command, a special move involving well-timed button presses that became a recurring feature in subsequent Mario RPGs.

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars stands as a beloved video game that seamlessly blends the endearing world of the Super Mario franchise with the strategic gameplay of the RPG genre. Its enduring appeal is rooted in its unforgettable characters, witty dialogue, and inventive gameplay mechanics, all of which have firmly etched it into the annals of gaming history. Whether players are embarking on a quest to recover Princess Peach’s stolen crown or facing off against formidable adversaries in exhilarating battles, Super Mario RPG delivers an enduring and captivating gaming experience that continues to enchant fans to this very day.


Q: Can I play Super Mario RPG on modern consoles?

A: Super Mario RPG was re-released on the Wii Virtual Console in 2008 and later on the Wii U’s Virtual Console in 2015, making it accessible to players on those consoles.

Q: How long does it take to complete Super Mario RPG?

A: The length of time it takes to complete Super Mario RPG can vary depending on the player’s skill level and how thoroughly they explore the game’s world. On average, it takes around 20-30 hours to complete the main storyline.

Q: Are there any sequels or spin-offs to Super Mario RPG?

A: While there are no direct sequels to Super Mario RPG, its success paved the way for other Mario RPG titles such as Paper Mario and the Mario & Luigi series, which share similar gameplay mechanics and storytelling elements.

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