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Dragon Ball: The Breakers Is Getting Crossplay!

Post Last Updates by Ankit: Tuesday, December 12, 2023 @ 12:59 PM

Dragon Ball: The Breakers – A Captivating Gaming Experience

Dragon Ball: The Breakers

News: Launched on October 14, 2022, The Breakers, an online asymmetrical action game, brings a thrilling and distinct gaming venture. Yet, a notable drawback is its lack of crossplay functionality, restricting players on various platforms—PlayStation, Xbox, PC, and Nintendo Switch—from joining multiplayer sessions together. Despite fans’ queries, Ryosuke Hara, the game’s producer, confirmed no immediate intentions to introduce cross-platform or cross-save capabilities.

The Limitation of Crossplay

Crossplay absence in Dragon Ball: The Breakers divides players across platforms, restricting interaction between different systems. Unlike certain multiplayer games fostering cross-system camaraderie, this game confines interactions within each platform’s community. While console families like PS4 and PS5, Xbox One, and Series X/S can play together, the game segregates PlayStation users from Xbox, PC, Nintendo Switch, and vice versa, preventing cross-platform matchmaking.

An Engaging and Entertaining Survival Game

The Breakers, the captivating survival multiplayer experience unfolds around seven everyday civilians trapped within a Temporal Seam. Their mission? To harness their survival expertise and gadgets, utilizing a time machine to escape back home. However, the storyline intensifies as legendary Dragon Ball Z adversaries like Lord Frieza, Cell, and Kid Buu become the raiders, aiming to capture these survivors.

An Asymmetrical Gaming Experience

The Breakers, the gameplay adopts an asymmetrical style akin to renowned titles like Dead By Daylight or Friday The 13th The Game. As survivors, players face the challenge of evading raiders while racing against the clock for their escape. This fusion of the cherished Dragon Ball universe with an immersive asymmetrical multiplayer setup guarantees an exhilarating and dynamic gaming venture, appealing to both devoted fans and newcomers.

Survivors and Raiders

The Breakers, players can embrace the roles of survivors or raiders, each with its distinct progression journey. Survivors grapple with escaping the grip of potent Dragon Ball Z antagonists. Their survival hinges on leveraging vehicles, weaponry, and utility items to outwit and outpace their adversaries. Conversely, raiders wield formidable abilities and focus on tracking down and neutralizing the survivors, heightening the game’s tension and strategy.

Customization and Tailored Experience

Customization stands as a pivotal aspect in Dragon Ball: The Breakers, influencing the journey of both survivors and raiders. Players enjoy the liberty to unlock diverse perks, character skins, and other customization features, enabling a personalized gaming encounter. The amalgamation of the game’s asymmetrical action design and strategic gameplay promises a distinctive and exhilarating expedition set within the legendary Dragon Ball universe.

Ultimately, Dragon Ball: The Breakers delivers a captivating asymmetrical action gaming encounter. Yet, its lack of crossplay restricts inter-platform gameplay, with no immediate intentions to introduce cross-platform or cross-save capabilities despite fan inquiries. Multiplayer is confined within console families, excluding matchmaking between different systems. However, the game’s fusion of the beloved Dragon Ball universe with strategic gameplay promises an exhilarating and customizable adventure, offering a unique experience for players to delve into.


Is cross-platform play something that might be considered down the line?
At this time, there’s no intention to introduce cross-platform play in Dragon Ball: The Breakers.

Do PlayStation users have the ability to join games with their friends who use Xbox?
Unfortunately, PlayStation players aren’t able to connect with Xbox users in Dragon Ball: The Breakers.

How significant is the role of customization within the game?
Customization is pivotal in Dragon Ball: The Breakers, enabling players to personalize and shape their gaming encounters.

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