WB SET Exam Result 2015
WB SET examination is held with a thought of hiring applicable and well qualified applicants on the position of Lecturer in the various Degree colleges who have got affiliation from Calcutta University (CU) Burdwan University, Kalyani University North Bengal University, and Vidyasagar University into the variety of subjects or disciplines such as Sciences, Arts, Social Sciences, Education, Commerce, Physical Education, Law, Foreign Languages, Journalism and Mass Communication, Music and Fine Arts. Candidates are to fill the empty positions at the said Universities showing their talent / capabilities as demanded by the affiliated colleges against endorsed posts.
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WB SET also regarded as West Bengal State Eligibility Test which was held at the various centers allocated for the conducting the examination with a view point of recruiting contenders on the post offered in the aforesaid Universities affiliated colleges of the West Bengal state conducted by “WB CSC (West Bengal College Service Commission)”. Find the result downloading scheme in below section.
Procedure to see WB SET Exam Result 2015:
1. Go to the mentioned below link and find all the details for your assistance.
Log on the registered portal of WB CSC
2. And search the notification section.
3. Click on the WB SET Exam Result 2015.
4. Asked details must be filled at the required places.
5. Finally, Get your result downloaded by doing the needful.
Official URL: wbcsc.ac.in