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VNIT Admit Card 2014 Details of Online Download at vnit.ac.in

The Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT) or NIT Nagpur or Regional College of Engineering Nagpur is one of the NITs (National Institute of Technology) in India. Initially an engineering institute of Maharashtra, the college was granted the status of NIT in the year 2007. It is also ranked as best 15 engineering colleges of India. Founded in the June 1960, the college was established by the concerted efforts of Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya.

 The institute offers academic courses in the following main disciplines: CAD (Computer Aided Design)/ CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing), Applied Chemistry, Applied Statistics, Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics, Applied Mechanics, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Biomehatronics, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computational Physics, Electronics & Communications, Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Geosciences and Engineering etc.

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Details for Admit Cards & Admissions to VNIT UG & PG Programmes-

Admissions to the Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology Programmes are done through the common entrance exams conducted at an all India basis for all the engineering colleges in the country. The candidates in order to avail admission in the Under Graduate Courses must qualify and appear in the JEE Mains / AIEEE. While the admissions to all the PG Courses are done on the basis of the GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) conducted for this purpose.

Admit Cards Downloading Procedure for VNIT Admission Tests-

-Log on to the website of CBSE JEE Main for admissions to the UG Programmes whereas for PG Programmes, refer to the official website of GATE Exam.

-Download and save your admit cards by entering your required credentials in the windows available for this purpose.

-Carry the printed copy to the examination venues to participate in the concerned exam.

To get more details on VNIT Admit Cards 2014, click here