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TOEFL Admit Cards 2014 details of online download at ETS Website

The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is the qualifying exam conducted by ETS (Educational Testing Service) for judging the English proficiency of applicants whose native language is other than English. The test is also a gateway to take admissions in the foreign universities and colleges. The test is administered in computer modes only at the following 9 centres in India- Ahmedabad, Allahabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, New Delhi and Trivandrum respectively. The test scores of TOEFL are valid for a maximum period of two years for admitting students under different courses. A student can undertake this test all round the year by registering online and booking slots online for this purpose.

The admit cards for the TOEFL is received normally within a week of the online application made for this purpose. The applicants in order to print their admission tickets must follow the steps as given below.

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Steps to download the TOEFL Admit Cards 2014 online-

1) The applicants can download their admit cards online from the website of Educational Testing Service at ets.org.

2) The online admission tickets can be downloaded online only when the applicants are appearing for a computer based test.

3) The applicants can either print their admit cards at the time of registration or after online registration.

4) The applicants must carry this online downloaded admit card with them at the time of examination as a proof of their registration.

5) Login your account created for online registration in order to access the admit cards.

6) View orders at the end of registration to confirm your test date, time and order confirmation numbers respectively.

7) Print it and bring along at the time of entrance examination.

Click here to access your TOEFL Admit Cards 2014