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SFCI Admit Cards 2014 for MT/AGM Recruitment Examinations

SFCI (State Farm Corporation of India) invites recruitment towards filling the vacancies under different job posts including the following: Assistant General Manager, Management Trainee and Assistant Grades respectively. The application for the concerned recruitment is normally invited in the last week of September. The final selections are done based on the performances of the candidates in written exam/ interview conducted for this purpose.

The minimum eligibility for all the posts concerned must be fulfilled first by the appearing candidates and then selection exam scores will be judged. The admit card shall be issued offline by SFCI on the relevant addresses as quoted in the application forms for this recruitment. The candidates who fill incomplete applications or do not comply with the eligibility rules might not receive their admit cards. The applicants will come to know about the day and date of examination through their admit cards issued.

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How to download Admit Cards for SFCI Recruitment Exam 2014-

>To download your SFCI Admit Cards online, visit its official website at sfci.nic.in.

>Go to the “Recruitments” page of website from left hand side menu bar at home page.

>Now open the admit card downloading window from concerned recruitment links.

>Enter your application/ registration numbers into the downloading window so that online admit cards are generated at computer screens.

>Download and take print outs for the online admit cards (if available).

The State Farms Corporation of India Limited is the apex body engaged in the production and distribution of quality seeds. The organization works under the direct control of Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation of India.

To get more details regarding SFIC Recruitment Exams & Admit Cards 2014, click here