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Santosh Medical College Admit Cards 2014 download online for entrance examinations

Santosh Medical College or Santosh University is regarded as one of the top 20 medical colleges in India. The university has been established with the sole purpose of imparting health care education and allied activities through its medical college, dental college and hospitals functioning. The university provides different courses including the following: MBBS, BDS, MD/ MS, MDS, M.Sc and different diploma and pg diploma courses. The applicants can enroll in the different university courses through the Combined Medical Entrance Test conducted by Association of Private Medical, Dental, Paramedical, Para dental & College of Allied Health Sciences.

The entrance exam comprises of 3 hours duration having 180 multiple choice based questions on the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Botany, Zoology or Mathematics respectively. The paper would be having 60 questions per section as specified above. The students wishing to participate in the concerned entrance exam must prepare on the basis of CBSE/ State Board +2 Syllabuses. The paper would be having negative marking for the wrong answers attempted by candidates. The admit card may be dispatched either by post or from the official website of university in the manner as specified. The concerned entrance exam is held every year in April months for all the eligible candidates only.

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Downloading Criteria for Santosh Medical College Admit Cards 2014 Online:

-Visit the official website of Santosh Medical College at santoshuniversity.com.

-Click on the active links for downloading “Combined Medical Entrance Test 2014 Admit Cards”.

-Enter your application number/ registration number in the downloading windows accessed online for this purpose.

-Submit and download / print the admit cards as soon as it gets opened on your screen.

The applicants must not forget to carry their admit cards at the time of examination or else they will won’t be allowed to appear in it.

To download your Santosh Medical College Admit Cards 2014, click here