RGPV Admit Card 2014
RGPV (Rajiv Gandhi Prodyogiki Vishwavidyalaya), a state owned Technological University which is situated at Madhya Pradesh, India. The RGPV has taken several examinations this year and the remaining ones will be taken soon by the University. The examination of respective subjects which have not taken place, those candidates are hereby informed that their examination admit cards are now downloadable from the official gateway of the University through completing the procedure as said below.
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RGPV Syllabus:
Bachelors of Engineering- Engineering Chemistry –
WATER AND ITS INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS (Unit- 1): Sources, Hardness & its units, softening of water by various methods (External & Internal treatment), effect & remedies etc
FUELS & COMBUSTION (Unit- 2): Fossil fuels & classification, Determination of calorific value by Bomb calorimeter Proximate & Ultimate analysis of coal and their significance, Carbonization, Cracking of higher Hydrocarbons & mechanism of cracking, Knockings etc
LUBRICANTS (Unit- 3): Introduction, Numerical problems based on testing methods, Classification of lubricants, Mechanism of lubrication, Properties & Testing of lubricating oils etc
CEMENT & REFRACTORIES: IS-code, Manufacture, Setting and hardening of cement, Refractory: Classification, Introduction, properties of refractories etc
HIGH-POLYMER (Unit- 4): Introduction, Reaction Mechanism, Vulcanization of Rubber, Properties & uses of the following- Polythene, PMA, PVC, PMMA, Poly acrylonitrile, Teflon, PVA, Nylon 6:6, Nylon, Terylene, Urea – Formaldehyde Resin, Phenol formaldehyde, etc
INSTRUMENTAL TECHNIQUES IN CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (Unit- 5): Principle, Introduction, Instrumentation and applications of IR, NMR, Principle, UV, Gas Chromatography, Visible, Lambert’s and Beer’s Law.
WATER ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES: Hardness (Complexo- metric), Alkalinity, Chloride, DO, Free chlorine, BOD and COD, Numerical problems based on the above techniques.
Methodology to Download RGPV Admit Card 2014:
i) The aspiring applicants should first of all go on the official website of the RGPV.
ii) Navigate now to the “Importance News” section.
iii) Click on the “RGPV Admit Card”.
iv) Enter your registration information as asked by the site.
v) Once the details are filled, click to enter the same.
vi) Within a while, you will be able to view the admit card of your examination.
vii) Print your admit card so as to bring the same to the exam hall.
Official Gateway: rgpv.ac.in