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QLTT Admit Card available online for download at qltstraining.co.uk

The Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme (QLTS) was started as a replacement to the QLTT (Qualified Lawyers Transfer Test) on 1st September 2010 for all the qualified and eligible international lawyers to get permission for being solicitors in England and Wales. The scheme is administered by the SRA (Solicitors Regulation Authority) which is a regulatory body of Law Society of England and Wales. In order to participate in the concerned test, applicants must fulfill the minimum eligibility as specified for this purpose i.e. the candidate should be a qualified lawyer within a recognized jurisdiction or a barrister within England and Wales or an Irish Solicitor/ Advocate. Along with all these eligibility conditions, candidates should also meet the minimum English language requirements as may be specified for this purpose.

The QLTS Assessment Procedure consists of a MCT (Multiple Choice Test) conducted in three parts. The candidates in order to participate in Part II & III must qualify the Part I. The Multiple Choice Test shall consist of 180 questions wherein the session of 90 questions for every three hours has been divided for participation. The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) will be having questions from the following areas: Business, Property and Probate, Civil and Criminal Litigation, Client Interview and Completion of Attendance note/ case analysis, Advocacy /Oral Presentation, Legal Research, Legal Writing and Legal Drafting respectively. The QLTS Assessment can be under taken by any applicant in the months of July and February respectively whiles the OSCE in June and November/ December months respectively.

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Admit Cards for QLTT Examinations 2014:

-To download your test admit cards online, visit the website of CLT QLTS at qltstraining.co.uk.

-Log in your account created for participating in the test concerned from the top menu bar at home page.

-Use your unique Username and Password as made at the time of online registration.

-Login and find all the links related to test schedule, admit cards and results.

-Download and print it for your references.

To download your QLTT Admit Cards 2014 online, click here