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PSSOU Admit Cards 2014 Available for Online Download at pssou.ac.in

The Pandit Sundarlal Sharma (Open) University (PSSOU) is a state level university established in the year 2005. Located in Bilaspur Chhattisgarh, the university offers higher education in open learning and distance modes under the following main disciplines: Arts, Science & Technology, Social Science, Commerce, Education, Computer Science, Yoga, Jyotish and Vastu respectively. The university invites admission under different courses through the common entrance exam conducted for this purpose. The applicants can download their admit cards online for university entrance examinations from the website in the manner as detailed here below.

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The university issues an offline admit card for all the applicants appearing in the entrance exams. Those applicants who fail to receive their admit cards offline may download it online. To download their provisional admit cards for Pt. Sundarlal Sharma (Open) University Bilaspur Admission Tests, candidates can follow the steps as given here below.

PSSOU Admit Cards 2014 –Online Accessing Details:

>Log on to the official website of Pandit Sundarlal Sharma (Open) University at pssou.ac.in.

>Open the “Admissions” page of website available at top menu bar.

>Click on the active links of –“Provisional Admit Card” made available online at the website mentioned sections.

>This shall open a new window for downloading admit card for PSSOU Examinations.

>Enter the required info including –exam name, student name, father/ husband name and mother name respectively.

>Hit the “Search” tab for generating your admit cards online.

>Print and keep it for producing on the examination day.

The applicants must make sure that their admit cards generated online in the above specified manner contains all the necessary details in it including applicants name, photograph, exam date and address of examination centre respectively.

Click here for downloading PSSOU Admit Card 2014