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Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University Admit Cards 2014 online downloading details for different exams at teluguuniversity.ac.in

The Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University was established as one of the language universities in India on 2nd December 1985. The university was officially brought into existence through an Act of Legislation especially passed by the government for this purpose. The university constitutes three main campuses located at Hyderabad, Sri Sailam and Rajahmundry respectively. The Telegu University was renamed as “Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University” in the year 1998. The university since then has been making new strides in the field of education and research in the several disciplines as made available under university schools.

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The university schools provide admission under the following major disciplines namely: Language Development, Fine Arts, Comparative Studies, Literature, History, Culture & Archeology, Social & Other Sciences and Folk and Tribal Lore respectively. The university examinations are held every year in the June/ July and November/ December months. The applicants are required to check the concerned university department to get their admit cards offline, in case no online hall ticket links are provided. In order to check for the online hall tickets of the Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University Examinations, applicants need to read the procedure as given below.

Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University Exam Admit Card 2014 Online Downloading Procedure:

1) For checking your Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University admit cards online, candidates need to log on to the university website at teluguuniversity.ac.in.

2) Go to the website “Recent Announcements” section available on the home page.

3) Follow the links for downloading admit cards, if any available on the specified pages.

4) Fill your registration details inside the downloading window of admit cards.

5) Save after downloading and take print outs for all the university exam hall tickets in the similar manner.

For getting your Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University Exam Admit Cards 2014, click here