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PIMS AICET Admit Cards 2014 download online for different courses at pravara.com

The Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) is a deemed to be university; declared as on 29th September 2003 by HRD Ministry Government of India. The AICET (All India Common Entrance Test) is conducted by PIMS for inviting admissions in the different post graduate courses of university including the following: Medicine (MD/ MS/ Diploma) and Dentistry (MDS) respectively. The minimum eligibility to participate in the PIMS AICET is a regular degree of medicine in under graduation level i.e. MBBS/ BDS from any Medical Council of India/ Dental Council of India recognized university.

The AICET is a three hours paper having 200 questions of Multiple Choice from the predefined syllabus as specified for this purpose. There is no negative marking in the paper. AICET is conducted by PIMS every year in the months of May/ June for all under graduate courses and in January for post graduate courses respectively. The final admission shall be done on the basis of merit obtained by applicants in the concerned entrance exam and reservation criteria specified.

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PIMS AICET Admit Cards 2014 Online Accessing Criteria:

i) To download the PIMC AICET Admit Cards online, applicants should log on to its official website at Pravara.com.

ii) Go to the “PG Admissions” page of website concerned to check for the online admit card links.

iii) Find the links of downloading admit card from the left hand side menu bar of the website concerned page.

iv) Enter your application numbers inside the downloading window, if any.

v) Download your online admit cards and take print outs if options available for the same.

To access your PIMS AICET Admit Cards 2014 directly in one simple click, follow the links as given below.

Click here to download the PIMS AICET Admit Cards 2014