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NSOU Exam Result 2014 Published for different Courses online at wbnsou.ac.in

The Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU) has published the final results of all the applicants enrolled in different university programmes. The university has recently uploaded results online for the following course exams: Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Sciences (B.Sc.) and B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) respectively for the term end examinations conducted by the university concerned.

The applicants may find their results online for the university term end examinations under the heading Results from the website of the university or simply follow the links given at the end of the page for this purpose.

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Online Results Seeing Methodology for NSOU Examinations 2014-

a. Go to the official website of NSOU at wbnsou.ac.in/

b.Find the Results from the Examinations under Students Zone available at the top most menu bar.

 c.After opening the concerned page of result on the website, the applicants shall find all the results for different courses that have been declared online.

d.Download the results available in the form of PDF after selecting the course of exam.

e.Save and Print your results for all the NUJS Exams.

The applicants can also find their results online from the website home page available in the form of separate tabs. The candidates can find the following results declared at the website –BDP Term End Examinations, MLIS, PGGIR and MSW respectively. The applicants can get their results directly in one single click for the NUJS Exams from the link as given below.

Click here to find the NUJS Exam Results 2014