NID Results 2014 for GDPD Course announced
The National Institute of Design (NID) has announced the results of different courses including GDPD course available in the university curriculum for all the enrolled candidates. The candidates in order to access their online results should check the official website of the NID in the manner as stated here below. The candidates can also check their online results from the direct links as given below.
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About NID:
The National Institute of Design has been established in the year 1961 for providing higher education to the students interested to make their careers in the field of designing in the following fields: Industrial, Communication, Textile and IT Integrated (Experiential) designing etc. The Institute is an autonomous institution functioning directly under the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India. The institute has been recognized by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research for this purpose.
Courses Run by NID:
The National Institute of Design provides education in the following courses:
1. Graduate Diploma in Design (GDPD)
2. Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Design (PGDPD)
NID Results Download Procedure from the website of Institute-
1. The students enrolled in the National Institute of Design courses can check their online results from the institute website i.e.
2. Go to the Results Section from the website of the Institute under the Results Heading on the Home page
3. This will open a new page for accessing the online results from the concerned page of the website
4. The new window of results contains the online result downloading access for the concerned course
5. Enter the Candidates ID as provided to you at the time of examination from the Hall Tickets
6. Verify your candidate id through the code as mentioned in the result window
7. Continue the result checking online process for confirming the information as entered by the applicants
8. Download, print and save the results in the above stated manner for all the institute courses
The candidates can also directly generate their online results from the links as given here.
Click here to access the National Institute of Design Results 2014