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Mahatma Gandhi University Admit Card 2014 Online downloading details for different university examinations

The Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam is one of the leading affiliating universities of Kerala having its campus located in the Central Kerala District of Kottayam. The university imparts higher education in a number of disciplines including the following: Business Administration, History, Anthropology, Law, Psychology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Biophysics, Computer Science, Tourism Management, Gandhian Studies, Development Studies, Malayalam, English, Politics & International Relations, Economics, Inorganic Chemistry and Physical Education respectively.

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The university follows the CAP (Centralized Allotment Process) for offering admissions to candidates in various post graduate courses available. The applicants who get short listed in the entrance test held for admissions to different university programmes go through the CAP. The university from the academic year 2014-15 conducts the national level entrance exam, popularly called as the CAT (Common Admission Test) for admission to different university UG & PG courses available. The university entrance exams admit cards are released online at the website of university for all the appearing candidates. To download your admit cards online for Mahatma Gandhi University Examinations, applicants need to follow the procedure as stated here below.

Downloading Procedure for Mahatma Gandhi University Entrance Exam 2014 Admit Cards-

>Log on to the official Mahatma Gandhi University website home page at mgu.ac.in.

>Visit the website admission page available for accessing the online admit card.

>Provide your registration details as required for this purpose to generate your online admit card.

>The candidates must take print outs of the admit cards after they have successfully downloaded it online.

The university conducted its last Common Admission Test on 7th & 8th June 2014 while the final admissions took place in the July months for all the short listed candidates.

To download your Mahatma Gandhi University Entrance Exam 2014 Admit Card, click here