KLEE Admit Card 2014 details of online download at cee-kerala.org
The Kerala Law Entrance Exam (KLEE) is the common entrance exam conducted every year for admitting eligible and qualified applicants in the under graduate and post graduate courses offered in law by several participating state universities and /or colleges. The Kerala Law Entrance Exam (KLEE) is held separately for the LLB 3 year and LLM 5 year courses respectively. The applicants appearing in the exam must be having the desired eligibility as may be specified for this purpose.
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The Commissionerate of Kerala Examination is the conducting authority responsible for organizing the Kerala Law Entrance Exam every year throughout the state. Apart from the law under graduate and post graduate courses, the exam also provides an entry into the Integrated 5 Year LLB Courses. The applicants can get all the details regarding the entrance exam paper pattern, eligibility and qualifying criteria etc from the website mentioned. The admit card for the KLEE shall be released online at the website for all the applicants willing and eligible to appear in the concerned entrance exam.
Downloading Procedure for KLEE (Kerala Law Entrance Exam) Admit Cards 2014 Online-
a) The KLEE Admit Cards can be accessed online at the website of conducting authority i.e. Commissionerate of Entrance Examination Kerala at cee-kerala.org.
b) Find the section of entrance exam for law courses available course wise in the left hand side menu bar at home page.
c) Choose the course (LLB 3 Year/ LLM 2 Year) from the specified menu bar.
d) Search the admit cards link for the concerned entrance exam from the pages.
e) Save and download your admit cards.
f) Take print outs.
The applicants should carry a photo id proof along with the online generated admit cards at the time of examination.
For downloading your KLEE Admit Cards 2014, click here