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IIT Bhubaneswar Admission Form

Post Last Updates by admin: Friday, February 4, 2022 @ 10:46 PM

Welcome IIT BHUBANESWAR Admission Form section.

At we will help to know the latest details of IIT BHUBANESWAR Admission Form along with other necessary details like counseling date, exam date, admission process and many more.

University Name: IIT BHUBANESWAR

Address: Bhubaneswar-751 013

Contact Details: Phone: +91 674 230 1292

Courses offered by IIT BHUBANESWAR

B.Tech. (Civil Engineering)
B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)
B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering)

University is located in BHUBANESWAR

Contact Email: [email protected]

Admission Form of IIT BHUBANESWAR can be downloaded from the official website.

Official website Address:

About IIT BHUBANESWAR: Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar was established in 2009. IIT Bhubaneswar has over 935 acres campus. At present institute offers B.Tech.course in Civil , Mechanical, Electrical Engineering.

Note: All informations like Government Recruitment, Admission Forms, Admit Card, Result, Answer Key, Syllabus etc. are collected using data drawn from various paltforms ( respective official website, news media, social media & other platforms available on the internet ). The details provided here are on the basis of information collected from the above mentioned platforms, So Candidates are advised to must refers to the information available on official website only. We welcome all corrections and feedback using the button below.

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